Thursday, October 30, 2008

His words....

These were his words …
Words of wisdom …

“ I treat all the people the same no discrimination according to living standard or education level …the office boy is the same as an engineer in respect ….we are all human.
I used to work while studying in Germany as a waiter in MacDonald’s , as a worker in Volkswagen factory …this taught me how to deal with different standards and different people “

“When you try to take something out of someone and convince him with something, don’t get to use many reasons to convince him….this makes you lose your credibility by being hesitant and not totally convinced with what you are saying!!
Use a single reason or a single cause that is strong and that is really convincing
Some people are affected by personal issues; others are affected by business logical causes…know what is the gate that will make you enter to that person’s gate and take his approval!!”

“Try to separate emotions and personal issues away from business…you need to do so “

Saturday, October 25, 2008

..and that was it !!!

The call I was waiting for !!!
A call not like any call
A call from a friend...
She was a friend , a special friend ...

Keyword : Was !!
Yes....I figured out that after that call she was ...
In the past she was ...
She will still be I know
A friend , like any normal friend she will be ....
She is stuck in a dilemma ...
She can't balance ...
She can't live it normally , Simply
She can't live it fully.....
She can't live it Jesus !!

It was clear from today that this was almost the begining of the end...
The end of a friendship I wished it would last !!
A freindship I thought was real and true ....

just like all the past ....
noything will change ...
...and that was it !!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Randoms and Randoms and Randoms ......

Am I so pathetic like that ??!!!
Why the hell am I begging for love n care ??!!
Why am I alwyas lookin at the screen of the cellular waiting for a call !!!
What the hell is wrong with me ??
The fact is that this relations is not balanced !!
I always give , give n give !!
I put people as my number 1 priority !!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I waited for you as you said ....
You didn't showup ...
It has been a week now since I last heard from you ...
I can't get it ...
I am tired of that !!!

Notes they are ...
Em C D Em D Em C D ....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lonely Randoms...

I miss you
I can't get you out of my mind
Despite all what happened , you still haunt me !!
I need you ...

I miss you
I miss your smile and our arguments ..!!
You are a real sister and a real blessing
You are someone I can trust my self to....

I miss you
I can't imagine I will be back and you are not there...
You are more than a brother , more than a friend ...
You were His image for me !!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Why do all of them have this same issue in them ??!!
Whatever the age , whatever the religion whatever the community !!
They do all this same issue that does piss me off !!

Why do I meet them all the time ??!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thoughts.....seulement !!

It has been 1 week now
I love the place but !!
I don't like being alone ....
"no matter how beautiful the place ot the activity , it is all about the company ...the people that share that special moment with you !!" ...she said

They are everywhere around you !!
you can't escape it
bringing back shadows of the past...
memories of you !!
wish you were here with me
seems that even the boundaries you set were a fake !!

Today I was feeling like I was trapped within maself
I want that free spirit to go outside but I can't
maybe that spirit doesn't want to
I just can't

I need you so desperately
I miss you ...
I know this is not right but I can't stop maself
To have a friend like you is so strange for me
Though this ain't a balanced friendship
Sometimes I enjoy giving
Sometimes I miss takin back
I know it;s out of your hand
All times I miss you and love ya ma older sister !!