Thursday, February 25, 2010

Faking !!

I came through this shocking yet true article about faking !!
This is the main article and this is the comment of the "Experimental Theology Blog" that I follow
From faking love to faking motherhood....goes down to faking faith and faking Christianity.....
Some fake for social reasons ....others fake for business reasons.....different reasons yet same fake mask that we put on....

I can't but admit that I FAKE !!
I can fake the love I give to others...
I fake many things...putting that mask and turning to the "Fake Me"

It shows from the number of comments on the mail article on "Freakonomics Blog" that this is a real alerting issue (180 comments in 2 days!!)
I liked that comment
"But I also wonder if the pressure isn't on all of us to fake it from time to time. If not for play dates, then for other things: finding a spouse, having a social life, maintaining a political office, satisfying parents, satisfying the requirements of a religion-affiliated school, getting business referrals, etc."

what about you....
Do you fake your faith you fake your spirituality??!!

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