Wednesday, October 24, 2007

MS 849 Encounters

Same flight, same destination, same hall
Different person, different thoughts & different emotions!!
It's not my first time to go through this day
Strange feelings going by me this time …
The first time I was here I asked You for a chance jus to go there…
It was so difficult…
I was fighting for something that I never saw before…
So strange how you fight for something that you don't know
With You, the impossible became possible
The second time, today
I wonder what is she thinking of now
What will happen when this day comes…?
On the first time I thought that it was impossible to happen for me but it happened!!!
Though it was the desire of her heart, yet she surrendered everything to Your will!!You saw that Your will is her will, so You granted her the desire of her heart …

Ok she's here…I don't know but I feel so weird..!!
Is it from You ??
Is she from You??
Will it come one day from You??
Will I hear my call one day from You??

In the middles of the airport
Standing in a small circle of 3
Lifting all our hearts up to you in faith that everything will be fine
Praying with real faith that it's the day of miracles
People looking strangely @ the 3 crazy persons praying in the middle of CIA

On her own inside now
"De Profundus Clemo Ad Te DOMINE"
"Unless the LORD Builds the House…"
Settling …

"Why are some prayers not heard?
Because we don't fully abide in Him …if we fully abide in Him we would be sure 100% that He would answer immediately" ……FAF

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